Our Work
Some of our current projects, and projects awaiting funding are outlined below. Further details regarding these projects are available upon request.
Ongoing Support
Supporting community via referal system. In our first 6-months of operation Bugalwan's volunteers have provided over 150hrs of direct support and provided over $70,000 in service provision.
Ma Banyahr Make Good Health
Unfortunately unsuccessful in its first grant application. Ma Banyahr was designed to provide culturally grounded mental health support. Currently in it's second iteration as a pilot program, Ma Banyahr hopes to provide evidence to support the ongoing provision of culturally grounded, accessible, mental health care support for our Community.
Midjung Proud / Happy
Another project unsuccessful in its grant application. Midjung was a project conceptualised following the normalisation of racism prevalent in Australia, leading up to, and following the 'Voice' referendum. Targeted at adolescent school children, this project is designed to champion cultural identity. A modified version of this project (Gazing Yarns) was rolled out with support from Aboriginal Affairs
Garihma To Take Care Of
Unsuccessfully pitched for a Clubs Grant application. This project seeks to upskill local non-Indigenous practitioners in culturally appropriate methods of engaging with Community. Further, this funding seeks to provide funding for a comprehensive roll out of culturally safe industry workshops.